Color Girl Quilts - Classic Curves PLUS Ruler is the one ruler to cut all your curved piecing shapes in 19 sizes, 4" - 13" (radius)
+ accurately cut convex and concave shapes for piecing drunkards' path, orange peel, circles, arcs, clams, and more
+ make blocks in 19 sizes
+ no need to copy and cut out templates for each new quilt pattern
+ non-slip surface
+ complete, easy-to-follow instructions included
+ no need to "make big" and trim, cut shapes with accuracy including seam allowance for easy sewing and perfect blocks
+ ruler is 16 1/2" square, clear acrylic, with 19 slots for rotary cutting curved shapes
Try the Classic Curves Ruler patterns from Color Girl and change the way you sew, and love, curves!
to find video demonstrations and written tutorials